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No Sweat Mama PressHub

A collection of the latest news, key information and media kits.

About No Sweat Mama

No Sweat Mama empowers pre-mamas and mamas with practical tips and support for fitness, nutrition, and self-care. Led by Amy Buckler-Smith, a dedicated pregnancy and postnatal fitness instructor, we're here to guide you through the beautiful journey to motherhood. Join us as we embrace motherhood, one step at a time, with expert advice and a supportive community by your side. No sweat mama, you've got this <3

The Team

  • Headshot of Amy Buckler-Smith, Founder

    Amy Buckler-Smith


    I started in the fitness industry 17 years ago and I’ve drawn from the wealth of knowledge I have acquired to create a comprehensive set of pregnancy and postnatal fitness plans to help women be fit and active during pregnancy.

    Company Timeline

    • No Sweat Mama founded
      No Sweat Mama was started
    • New addition to the team 👶
      Theo was born!
    • New addition to the team 👶
      Sebby was born!

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